Quantum Research

Fascinating quantum research and the creation of a Swedish quantum computer

Jan 22, 2024

How does it all work – in depth – nature; the atoms, our cells, and our diseases? To understand these, requires simulations which are unthinkable even for today’s supercomputers; but which are within reach when one succeeds in creating a sufficiently powerful quantum computer. Quantum physics may unlock many new applications in everything from encryption to healthcare. This quantum computer is part of the 100 million-plus-dollar project WACQT – Wallenberg Center for Quantum Technology. The research is underway now at several universities in Sweden and is led by Per Delsing at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. Where the computer itself is built. Chalmers is responsible for quantum computing and quantum simulation. KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology) is responsible for quantum communication, and Lund University for development of quantum sensing. At Chalmers, there is also a testbed, a copy of the current quantum computer, where researchers from academia as well as industry can learn to solve problems using quantum technology, while the work with the original quantum computer to add additional qubits is ongoing.

What is Quantum

Apr 14, 2022 #worldquantumday

This video celebrates #worldquantumday 2022 by introducing quantum science and its impact on society. It also features the voices and stories of many scientists and educators contributing to the future of quantum information science and technology. Created by the National Q-12 Education Partnership, supported by the National Science Foundation. Happy World Quantum Day! Curious about the labs and science depicted in this video? Here are some of the sources and organizations that shared clips for use in this project (Thank you!):

Truth about Stargates

There were many stargates and portals across the earth.

The ancient civilizations did not need to use cars, and didn’t need to destroy the nature in order to pave the way for the roads. They mostly used electro magnetic levitation vehicles, and Stargates to travel between the cities. Every larger city possessed one.

This is why archeology and history has no idea how all these ancient cities were built on top of the mountains, as there were no roads found, with huge megalithic structures that are impossible to carry up the mountains even by todays standards, using the cranes and helicopters, due to the weight and how steep the mountains are.

Stargates have been found all over the world, and many of these were located in the middle east as well. In the regions of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Egypt, and other countries that US invaded in the past.
Source: #awakenedspecies

Search in this channel for any KEYWORD as – PORTALS, Stargates, SSP

AirPods could be Dangerous


The Israel of the Bible and the current State of Israel are not the same entity in current times, if what we see on in the short video clip has any credibility or truth they are definitely a den of vipers that are here to destroy not only God’s creation but also all of his children, Take care, watch your back and question everything. I may be wrong, but then this may be Right to. The decision to accept is yours and yours only.

Gen of Vipers

Fact Or Fiction

It has to be True, we saw it on the TV News. They would not lie would they. No not if you are not open to reason, no not if you do not question anything, never mind everything. They have lied about everything in the past and they are trying to create the His-Story for your future and the future of your children.

Time to take control back folks, a lie is a lie no matter how many people believe it. Will you be one to break free from the lies of deception and control? I hope so for the future of the planet.