War Time President

What is a war time president? What have they done to be at war? These are questions that people are asking. This short video has been compiled with many clips from President Trump’s speeches, his rallies and from many other people that explains, what is really going on. He is the Commander in Chief (CIC) of the US military, in actual fact he is the CIC of not only America but also Russia, England, the EU, China, India, Saudi Arabia and so many more countries. He is the CIC of the World’s military and together they are draining the swamp.

JAG Arrests

U.S. Navy JAG investigators on Wednesday arrested Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows for usurping constitutional law when she disqualified President Donald J. Trump from her state’s primary ballot last December.

Bellows, a lifelong friend of the Biden family, is the fifth devious Democrat apprehended for treasonously trying to deprive entire constituencies from casting ballots for their candidate of choice. Her capture follows the arrest of four Colorado Supreme Court justices who committed identical crimes and her reversal following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to restore Trump’s name to the Colorado ballot. The high court ruled that the state lacked the authority to exclude him from running for a national office, especially the presidency.

JAG says the Colorado justices and Bellows didn’t misinterpret constitutional law—they abrogated it purposefully as part of a comprehensive conspiracy aimed at weakening Trump politically and injuring him—and his family—personally.

The US Mexico border

I have been posting this before and did say that I did not believe that there was so much going on at the border, It is all, or at least most of it is fear porn, do not let them fool you.

Impeachment in South Africa

Biden Crime family