Membership Levels
Founding Members: were the very first Wave of Members who joined right at the start of our launch. They supported Subnet Surfer and are interested in helping people awaken from the Matrix and help them into the light®. We only have 2 more places available at this level. You will be required to review members posts and evaluate what is real and uplifting to our members. I hope that you will be able to help answer questions from regular members and suspend account that contravene our policies. These members may also be part of the humanitarian projects in South Africa that we will support in the near future.
Flagship Members are the Second Wave of Members who also committed to sharing their news with us for the benefit of all members as we head into the new Quantum World.®.
Regular Members are all other Members who also committed to following our content asking questions and inviting friends to join our community to help wake others up so that we can enjoy the Golden years that we are heading into.