This community is free to join and use as long as you follow the guidelines, if you spread hate speech, pornography, child abuse you will be banned. For those that want to join this community, some details.

Bruce’s Big Call replay, today 13th February 2025. According to Bruce, the funds that are in the whales accounts should be unlocked on Saturday, and it seems that some of the Admirals groups will also be funded this weekend. As for the T4B internet group, we should be seeing notivications sometime tomorrow so that appointments…

Bruce’s Big call replay today Tuesday 11th February 2025 https://www.subnetsurfer.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/BRUCES-BIG-CALL-02-11-25.mp3 * WHERE ARE WE NOW???*Bruce already saying opening the call THAT THIS IS A PRE-CELEBRATION CALL –THE BLESSING IS AT HANDWhat is interesting – but since last Thursday a lot has come in – and Bruce want’s us to realise and his info comes through…

Quantum Computers of the Future How New or old are these devices anyway The computers of tomorrow are using photons instead of electrons… notice the fiber optics here in this quantum super computer, it’s the new design and the copper wire is pretty much gone… the tech is so advanced now they’re using entangled photon…

Here is a short Video talking about our networks the ones that moves data from my server to your listening device, often or mostly called a computer or a mobile phone:

Bruces Big call replay today Thursday 6th February 2025 It seems that there was still a security issue that prevented the RV release yesterday and or today. Bruce confirms that President Trump want the release of funds this weekend. Could the super bowl be a cover for a start, while the world is focussed on…

Health is the greatest possession ..Contentment is the greatest treasure ..Confidence is the greatest friend ..

Bruces Big call replay today Tuesday February 4th 2025 T4B we are supposed to get ours tomorrow around 10am tomorrow and set our appointments set our appointment maybe for the afternoon – but if not tomorrow for exchanges then we’ll start exchanges Thursday. So this is going to be awesome for EVERYONE – we’d start…

Many people keep asking or telling us that BTC will be a reserve currency and will sky rocket in value reaching millions. I have always known that BTC (beta test coin) was a Cabal system used for money laundering, it was not and still is not regulated, the costs and speed of transactions were also…

Bruces big call replay today Tuesday 28th January 2025. Delays with more delays after more delays and here we are again, another 24 – 36 hours. So we look forward to the next few days. Bruce seems to think that it is going to happen on or before Saturday 1st February. https://www.subnetsurfer.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/BRUCES-BIG-CALL-01-28-25.mp3

Bruces call today Tuesday January 21st 2025. He seems to have been told that there were some delays that have now been resolved that Trump has taken office and we should now see notifications tomorrow. He did not give any other date so we have to pray that this is indeed the truth for once…
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